Feb 13th, 2006 by aBhantiarna Solas

We saw the peregrine falcon again today. But LightHusband did not have his camera. The raptor flew into a tree not 20 feet above our heads and inspected us for our prey-worthiness. Nearby the little song birds were hiding out under a cleft in the snow. We distracted him from them and then he soared away. Beautiful.

Out and About
Feb 13th, 2006 by aBhantiarna Solas

These boots are made for walking.
And that’s just what we did. We went walking yesterday. We go walking everyday. It’s part of what the doctor ordered for me. Yesterday it was particularly fun to go tramping through the snow. LightHusband packed his camera in hopes of seeing the peregrine falcon that we’ve seen twice before. But all he saw was a turkey buzzard.

LightBoy spent the night of the snow at a friend’s house. So we walked over to said friend’s to inspect the snowforts that the two had built. But they were sliding and having a snowball fight with some neighborhood girls by the time we got there. We took some much craved for peanut M&M’s to friend’s mom.

The LightChildren will have a snowday today so they can play in the snow again. It’s so rare down here in the “Banana Belt,” as my Vermont mother refers to it, so I feel compelled to let them enjoy it.

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