A New Fan
Feb 18th, 2006 by aBhantiarna Solas

I’ve found a new channel to watch. I watch every night from 5 to 8 to the dismay of the LightChildren. We turn the television off during dinner … sometimes. Definitely during evening prayers. But when the run ends I’m going to be lost, I won’t know what to do. I’ve become addicted …

… to …


I love it. It’s so calm and quiet and has fun terminology that doesn’t mean what you think it should mean. People use brooms to make heavy stones move across the ice. It’s archaic. It’s not about speed, it’s about poise and good sportsmanship. It’s written into the rules that the game is to be played in such a way that both teams can go back to the club house and sit down to a round of drinks together afterwards.

My favorite comment from a commentator: “That rock has a vapor trail on it.” That knocked me over … a 45 pound granite stone drifting down a sheet of ice most assuredly does NOT have a vapor trail on it. It was too funny. If you choose to watch some night, click on this link first so that you know some of the rules and strategy first. It’s loads of fun and funny to listen to the commentators and the yelling. Be sure to watch as the camera pans the stands and you’ll see some very funny hats too.

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