June 18th, 2010 by Sonja

Today you get two for the price of one … because I forgot yesterday.  Or got distracted.  Or something.

Without further adieu …

What’s the one food you feel like you couldn’t live without? What’s the one food you’d rather die than put in your mouth?

I cannot live without ice cream.  Chocolate ice cream.  With nuts.  And/or brownies in it.  Ice cream is what God eats.  But it doesn’t make Him/Her gain any weight.

The food I’d rather die than put in my mouth?  Canned fish, not tuna, but things like sardines or mussels, or octopi … horrible snotty bits of oily smelly seafood that look like turds in a tin.  [shudder]  LightHusband and LightBoy love these in a very primal way.  It makes my stomach turn just to write these sentences.

If you could take a train journey through any part of the world, where would you go?

For all of our married life LightHusband has loved to tease me with the idea that he is going to take me to Kenya and we’ll live in a hut there.  Now, lest you think I’m a suburban princess who cannot get by in a hut, that is not why I find this forbidding.  It’s the heat and humidity.  Sub-saharan Africa has always looked like hell to me because I hate heat.  Cannot stand it.  I’d much rather be cold than hot and I’ve been this way since I was a very small child.

So when I daydreamed about this question I was very surprised by the pictures that came to mind.  I saw myself in a train, a very old-fashioned steam powered train (by the way), traveling slowly through sub-Saharan Africa!!  This train went through lots of small tiny places and I got off everywhere and walked deep into the bush so that I could visit the back of beyond and meet people.  It was a fabulous trip.  And I loved it.

P.S.  The train was not air-conditioned.  I just wanted all of you to know that.

3 Responses  
  • Mike writes:
    June 18th, 201010:09 pmat

    Hey Sonja. Nice to see you posting again. Since I have also be “lax” in my posting I decided to get on the NaBloPoMo bandwagon as well.

    My post for today is here

  • Mike writes:
    June 18th, 201010:10 pmat

    Hey Sonja. Nice to see you posting again. Since I have also be “lax” in my posting I decided to get on the NaBloPoMo bandwagon as well.

    I tried to send a link but your spam filter put the kibosh on my post. :-)

  • Sally writes:
    June 20th, 20102:35 pmat

    love it.

    I cannot live without fruit, I love fruit, esp. in season, so today I ate strawberries…

    Train Journey: Trans Canadian, or across New Zealand, either would be great.

    I should visit your blog more often!

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