Fulla Holes
September 13th, 2007 by Sonja


I am bummed. A favorite theory of mine just got busted. I have this theory. It has proved itself on anecdotal evidence over time. But the scientists in Great Britain have disproved it. A former friend of mine once told me I was not keeping proper records. It is now likely that he was correct.

My theory is that in a family where there are two or more boys, the younger boys will be taller than the older boys. I am wrong. It was on the BBC this morning. No, the headline does not say, “Sonja is wrong,” for those of you wishing it were so. It says, “Older Siblings Stunt Growth.” And it’s kind of interesting. The study authors suggest that the smaller families we are all now having are promoting somewhat larger adults.

5 Responses  
  • Erin writes:
    September 13th, 20079:47 amat

    Hey, I have always thought that too. My dad is the youngest and tallest of 4 boys and my youngest brother is taller than the older of my two brothers. And my younger son is going to pass up my older one, despite their 3 year age difference….

    I’m with you…I think the scientific study is wrong.

  • Julie Clawson writes:
    September 13th, 200711:31 pmat

    Oh no – both of my younger brothers are shorter than me and they hated me for it. Why did I – the girl who hates sports – get the height when they didn’t? It bugged me too, for while guys over 6′ can easily find clothes, it is a lot harder for us gals.

  • Paul writes:
    September 14th, 20077:50 amat

    lol, all those yrs of sitting on my bro finally paid off :)

  • Patrick writes:
    September 14th, 20072:34 pmat

    I’m taller than my older brother by about four inches. Therefore the BBC study is wrong and Sonja is right. :-)

    I heard also in a study that there is a correlation between being the youngest boy and homosexual, with the chances increasing more for each boy born.

    This study is also wrong. :-)

  • Steve Hayes writes:
    September 15th, 20078:53 amat

    Our youngest is taller than his older brother.

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